Wax Melter - We start with our workhorse, preparing 60 pounds of 100% soy wax at one time.

First Stage Vessel Set-up - Here vessels are cleaned, wicks are prepared and set in each vessel.

Vessel Heating Process - Vessels are heated to 145 degrees in heating cabinets prior to pouring our wax

Mixing Process/Pouring - Combining color and scent at the proper temperature before pouring is vital to quality, scent throw and, overall satisfaction.

Cooling and Curing Storage - Once candles are cooled on our cooling racks, they are placed in a controlled storage to cure for a minimum of 2 weeks

Testing - We test each batch to ensure proper burning, scent throw and to observe any variations affecting quality or performance.

Process Makes the Difference!

  • Utilize the best sourced wax melting equipment to maintain control of the melting process and avoid over heating while being able to handle large amounts of wax

  • Carefully prepare each vessel by hand before initiating the pouring process

  • Test & document performance of various candles from each hand-prepared batch

  • Require two-week curing process before products are made available for sale

  • Source quality scents, wicks, and vessels to ensure a memorable olfactory experience for our customers

the Wickery Process

We take care in each step constructing our candles based on our documented process which maintain consistent production methods and reducing variation in our candle making. Our experience and employment of Lean Six Sigma process standards provide a strong foundation for continued quality and product satisfaction.